Our Journal

Mindful words on slow living, sustainable lifestyle practices, and recipes, and stories from Anupaya Cabin Co.

Wandering Home

As a founder and business owner, the line between work and life often blurs. Building Anupaya from the ground up has been one of the most rewarding journeys of my life, but the relentless pace has led to, at times, some real burnout. Somewhere between the late nights and the (seriously) eeeeendlessssss tasks, I’ve found […]

Anpaya Cabin Co. Beachfront Family Friendly Cabin Resort Business Corporate Retreat Wedding Venue Ottawa Montreal Toronto

Healing Power of Nature

In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, it’s so damn easy to become disconnected from the natural world. Many of us spend our days indoors, surrounded by concrete and screens. But there’s something truly magical about immersing ourselves in the great outdoors and Anupaya offers the perfect opportunity to experience the incredible benefits of being in nature. Stress […]

Free Range Chickens

Raising organic, free range chickens is undeniably one of the most enriching and fulfilling ways to embrace a sustainable lifestyle.    Our sweet feathered companions not only provide a daily source of fresh, wholesome eggs but also offer a profound connection to the rhythms of nature. Everyday, as we watch them peck and scratch in […]

Best Ever Banana Muffins

These banana muffins are gluten free, sugar free, nutrient dense and freaking delicious. Ohhhhhhhh maaaaaaannnnnn. These are a FAN FAVOURITE around these parts, let me tell ya. We had our (small but mighty) staff meeting in Sumac Cabin last week and while the whole day was wonderful and productive, these muffins were most def the real […]

Four Favourite Coffee Table Books

Around here, we love a good coffee table book to pour over while enjoying a fresh cup and snuggling under a warm, cozy blanket. We fill our cabins and our lodge with beautiful books for our beloved guests to slow down and enjoy and thought we’d share a few of our favourites. These babies are WELL […]

Self Care For The Holidays

Holidays can be HARD. A time of year that’s meant to be joyful and celebratory can quickly spiral into feelings of overwhelm and discontent. The to do lists grow longer, the commitments pile up, the bank account drains and suddenly joy has left the building. We have found that prioritizing even a teeny tiny bit […]

An Intimate Wedding at Anupaya Cabin Co.

It’s been SUCH a joy seeing our guests gather together for an intimate wedding weekend at Anupaya. Celebrating such a special moment while kicking back, catching up and relaxing beachside with friends and family. We look forward to more couples joining us at Anupaya Cabin Co. for an intimate wedding experience in the most beautiful […]

Anupaya Cabin Co.
1696 Moore’s Road
Deep River, Ont
K0J 1P0

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