
Sustainably made home & lifestyle goods from Anupaya Cabin Co.

Ethical, Sustainable, Beautiful

About Our Goods

At Anupaya, we make and source ethical and sustainable lifestyle and home goods for you to enjoy here with us or in your own home. As a social enterprise, we're committed to helping folks strengthen their gratitude and appreciation for our shared wild spaces. Through our One Pound Promise, we commit to cleaning up a pound of waste for every product sold, hosting and funding community cleanups across Canada and around the world.

The Anupaya Collection aims to celebrate thoughtful living both indoors and out. Our products are made largely from natural fibres and materials that serve to remind us of our place in nature rather than above it. We continue to design and curate a selection of goods that can be used and reused in all aspects of daily living, whether you’re at home, work or play.

We believe in supply chain responsibility, ethical sourcing and sustainable manufacturing methods – creating #goodsforgood that tread as lightly as possible on our beautiful planet.

Welcome to the Pathless Path. We’re so glad you're here.

As Seen In

Beautiful goods to inspire and support mindful living.

How We Do Business

Our One Pound Promise

Through our ‘One Pound Promise’ initiative, we commit to taking care of our shared wild spaces by removing a pound of waste for every product sold, and hosting community cleanups across Canada. We've cleaned up 58,469lbs of waste so far and we couldn't have done it without the support of people like you!

We believe that for-profit businesses have an immense capacity to help heal our planet and we started this company because we want to be a part of that healing. We want to get amongst it. Not just talk about how much we care, but take real, honest and tangible steps towards positive change.

We fight for what we love and we are just soooo in love with our wild spaces. They change us, they shape us, and they bring us home to ourselves. We need to do our part to protect and preserve them – and we’d sure love your help. Whether its by purchasing one of our products, or getting your hands dirty as a valunteer, we invite you to join us in honoruring our shared wild spaces.

We remove one pound of waste from wild spaces for each product sold.

our next cleanup is:


Saturday, September 30th, 2023

Anupaya Cabin Co.
1696 Moore’s Road
Deep River, Ont
K0J 1P0

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